Monday, June 20, 2011

Legal Issues to Contemplate

Homeschooling is gaining popularity, but there have been certain areas of our country that have not been exactly homeschool friendly. In these areas, families have felt like they were being watched like fish in a fishbowl. It is sad, that the few homeschooling families that have neglected their responsibilities should make it difficult for those of us who truly homeschool to the best of our abilities.

One way to protect yourself from the unwarranted complaints of people who don't understand what you are doing, is to join a legal defense. There are several homeschooling legal defense groups who advocate homeschoolers when their freedom to homeschool is called into question. Though we have relative freedom to homeschool at this point, there are politicians who desire to take that freedom away. These politicians believe that a child's educational responsibility belongs to the state and not to the parent. In their eyes, the parent should have no right or say in how the child is educated. I believe this is morally and ethically wrong. The parents are the ones who brought the child into this world, and they are the ones ultimately responsible for the child's well being and education.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Creative Writing for Sixth Grade

Are you looking for new ways to incorporate creative writing into your child's curriculum? I had been for quite a while, and finally it hit me! I could use blogging to encourage my daughter to write creatively. I was a bit nervous at first, because we have been pretty conservative about our children's use of the internet. However, after doing a bit of research I found a few homeschooling blog sites that have protection against unwanted issues.

After going over these things, I found that I could work with one in particular. So, I signed her up. She began to get busy on the creative side of things, and had a great looking blog in no time. Then began the real work! She began writing about the simple things in life, her little adventures, and it was quite amazing. She couldn't get enough of it. She began writing and writing. The creative part began to come as well, it was absolutely amazing. We were stunned at the quality that she was producing as well and the quantity. Gone were the days of pressuring her to write creatively. It was the best move I ever made!